Co-transfection → Recombinant virus; services from OET
Are you looking for scientific solutions that help to ensure success when it comes to baculovirus co-transfections? Oxford Expression Technologies Ltd (OET) is a name you can trust to provide technical and realistic results. We are based in the heart of Oxford and provide services both in the UK and overseas. Trusted experts within the field of baculovirus co-transfection and home to the flashBAC™ baculovirus expression kit. Find out more below or get in touch with us for more information.

Covering every step of successful co-transfection.

Construction of the recombinant baculovirus via homologous recombination relies on the success of the co-transfection. OET offers a cost-effective approach to customers who wish to ensure success with their baculovirus co-transfection(s). For the co-transfection reaction, a transfer plasmid containing the gene of interest needs to be either provided by the customer or produced by OET. This transfer plasmid is then used with the flashBAC™ ULTRA baculoviral DNA to co-transfect insect cells (Sf9). A control co-transfection is also performed in which a transfer plasmid containing the lacZ gene is used. Following incubation of cells for five days at 28°C, the cell culture medium containing the recombinant virus is harvested. This virus stock (P0) is then sent to the customer.
Additional services available relating to co-transfection
Gene synthesis and gene cloning
Virus stock amplification
Titration of virus by plaque assay
Titration of virus using qPCR (baculoQUANT)
To find out more about co-transfection service and products from Oxford Expression Technologies Ltd, please get in touch.

Bioinnovation Hub (Tonge Building) Gipsy Lane Campus,
Headington, Oxford OX3 0BP
+44 (0) 1865 536808